Hard inquiries to your credit can negatively affect your credit score and hurt your chances of getting loans or credit cards. These types of inquiries are mostly used in credit approvals or background checks. In this article, we show you […]
Hard inquiries to your credit can negatively affect your credit score and hurt your chances of getting loans or credit cards. These types of inquiries are mostly used in credit approvals or background checks. In this article, we show you […]
Last year, more than a third of Americans made a New Year’s resolution to save more money. It’s cliché but it can be helpful if you follow through with it. Here are some strategies to keep you on track. Look […]
Hiring professionals to help with marketing and content is a smart move. However, there are many companies that use marketing buzzwords and other advertising jargon that doesn’t make much sense to anyone but other industry pros. This is problematic for […]
The idea of starting a blog has been hitting me for long; I took it seriously after falling into a spiral of debt and…
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